Our Impact.

$4,500 Fundraised

Through Krispy Kreme donut sale fundraisers, the Traction Initiative raised over $3500. In addition, we are funded by the Seeding Stewardship program with the City of Vancouver, receiving $2000 to be environmental stewards of the rain garden

Plant Fest

Gathering 15 volunteers, the Traction Initiative and volunteers learned about being stewards of the Sunset Park rain garden, and practiced maintaining it by planting 40 new plants, removing invasive weeds, and cleaning up fallen leaves.

40 New Plants

15 Volunteers

Elementary School Educational Workshops

With the objective of cultivating environmental awareness around tire pollution, the Traction Initiative hosted an educational workshop with 28 5th grade students in Vancouver College. 

28 students reached

110 People Surveyed

Receiving over 110 responses from our online survey, the Traction Initiative learned valuable information about the local community’s understanding of tire pollution.